Resources for reducing alcohol and substance use in children and teenagers


East Lyme • Groton • New London • Ledyard
North Stonington • Old Lyme • Stonington • Waterford

Schools • Law Enforcement • Health Services • Government
Community Groups • Youth Groups • Faith Based Organizations
Data & Studies

The Primary Prevention Project adopted the Community Readiness Model to assess readiness within the community to implement substance abuse prevention intervention. Results contains information on
The purpose of this MPTN Primary Prevention Project is to enhance the current prevention infrastructure by expanding the capacity to identify culturally appropriate evidence-based prevention programs, practices, and policies for Native American communities in southeastern Connecticut. The report incudes

The document presented provides substance use
epidemiological information on the State of Connecticut
related to the target population.
Advisory Board

Our advisory board consists of a number of community members from across New London county, which meet once a month for an hour over Zoom. During this time we promote Primary Prevention Project events, workshops, and training seminars and collect relevant data. Our aim is to reduce alcohol and substance use in children and teenagers. One way we are doing this is by connecting community members with each to share information and promote events hosted by the PPP.
If you are looking for additional positive, educational programming to share with your community or to help fill out a calendar of events, reach out.
Youth Council
The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Youth Council is an elected leadership body that represents Tribal Members age 24 and under. As a voice for the Tribe’s younger generations, the Youth Council ensures their inclusion within internal and external conversations regarding the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.
Goals of Youth Council
- To identify the unique needs and perspectives of Tribal Youth within the context of leadership values that encourage understanding, respect, integrity, and empowerment
- To ensure that the voices of Tribal Youth are included in conversations about community issues—both inside and outside of Mashantucket
- Assisting the Tribe in strengthening its social, cultural and economic foundation so that they can never be undermined or destroyed, in accordance with the Tribe’s Mission Statement
- To develop and strengthen relationships with youth leadership from other Tribal Communities


Research with UCONN Health
Center for Prevention Evaluation and Statistics (CPES) was established to support the Prevention and Health Promotion (PHP) Unit of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) in its efforts through the identification, collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data pertaining to substance abuse prevention, mental health, and health disparities
More on UConn Health School of Medicine
Funding through SAMHSA
SAMHSA’s efforts reflect a commitment to upholding the federal government’s historical and unique legal relationship with American Indian tribes through consultation, outreach, education, and engagement. SAMHSA’s mission is to provide efficient and effective delivery of resources and services to ensure that American Indians and Alaska Natives have access to prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.
More on SAMHSA
Tribal Health Services
This site will be your new resource for Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Health Services
More on Tribal Health Services